Jean-Pierre's Crème Caramel Recipe

A delicious Crème Caramel


Whenever I was with my father in france, we ate this dish nearly every day. While it can be bought at any supermarket there, in Canada it tends to be hard to get ahold of. So to relive nostalgic times I decided to seek out a good recipe and make it on my own!

This recipe hits every flavour note you'd want out of it. The addition of the real vanilla extract and white chocolate does wonders. And on top of all that, it's deceptively easy to make. The biggest hurdle is waiting for it to set before eating. I'd be remiss to not link the original recipe as this is just a personal collection of recipes for web dev practice. Chef Jean Pierre has a lovely video to go along with the recipe, as well as his charisma.


The Caramel

The Custard



  1. Preheat the Oven to 275°F / 135°C.
  2. Coat 4 ramekins (6 to 8 ounces) with a light coating of non-stick spray / butter.

Making the Caramel

  1. Mix the sugar and water in a bowl until dissolved. Heat in a saucepan on medium to low heat. After around 10 minutes the sugar will begin to brown. As soon as it become a dark golden brown colour, take it off the heat and carefully add a couple tablespoons of water to stop it from darkening further. Be very careful as sugar is likely to spit up at you.
  2. Pour carefully in your ramekins, tilting them around to coat evenly . Cool in freezer for 15 minutes.

Making the Custard:

  1. In a saucepan, bring the cream and milk to a light boil. Add and mix in the sugar.
  2. In a large bowl, mix the eggs, salt, and vanilla. Do not whisk it briskly, don't let air into the mixture. Strain it in order to get the smoothest texture. Slowly add the mixture into each of your molds.
  3. Put the molds into a hot water bath, and bake for an hour. Once done take them out the oven and remove from bath when cooled enough to do so. Let cool at room temp for 3 to 4 hours. Then stick in fridge for 6 to 24 hours.
  4. Loosen the edges of the custards with your index carefully flip onto a plate and while holding it firmly give it a vigourous shake to the side in order to release from the mold.
  5. Enjoy!